
‘You are greater than you know and more than you think’ - John Hanna

Who is John Hanna?

(And why should I care?)


“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
Mark Twain. 

That’s a powerful truth, but far too many people only ever experience the first, and never learn why they’re here. As a result they merely live, but don’t really have a life, and that is what John does – he’s dedicated to helping you find your purpose, your ‘why’, in order to create a magnificent and rewarding life. In fact, your purpose is his purpose.

After a career of extraordinary business and financial success, and equally great losses, John has been through the mill and draws on his broad experience to bring about profound change in a remarkably short time. With simple language and inspirational real life stories (his own and the Great Ones), his series of programs uses the profound and ancient wisdom of Universal Principles to guide your transformation into who you were always meant to be, but somehow couldn’t quite manifest.

No one can give you your purpose, your reason for being, because it is innate, but John will inspire you about its vital importance and power, teach you how to discover it, and then show you how to make it a reality. We all have a dream inside, and when we find our unique gift and give it to the world our lives are utterly transformed – our vast potential is unlocked, and great wealth can flow to us.

Come on the journey with him to Unlock the Possibility Within: you have nothing to lose but your fear, and the world to gain – and that is why you should care who he is.


‘We’re all born Stars…. It’s your time to Shine Now‘


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“A better world starts with a better you”

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